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In this section you will find information on the main subject areas, achievement for all, and homework.


The achievement of all pupils is central to our school. To secure your child’s progress we work hard to provide high quality teaching and a curriculum which inspires and motivates learning.

By creating a culture in which children feel valued and are respectful of others they are able to take responsibility for their learning.

The achievements of our children are celebrated through classroom rewards, weekly celebration assemblies and year group assemblies to which families are invited.

Achievement for all

We work to ensure that all children are given the skills and confidence to achieve their potential. We recognise that some children have additional educational needs.

As an inclusive school, all children are catered for. Pupils with exceptional ability in one or more areas of the curriculum are placed on the school’s Gifted and Talented Register. Parents are informed of this and the curriculum is differentiated to provide challenge and extension.

Pupils with SEN (Special Educational Needs) are entered onto our Special Needs Register. Additional support is provided to ensure children make progress and regular meetings with parents identify progress towards key targets.

SEN provision

See SEN Reports page for SEN provision.

Curriculum themes

The documents relating to the termly themes are found on the Parent Information Booklets page, or under each year under learning together with a document mapping out the curriculum over the school year.



Numeracy is based upon an understanding of numbers, shape and space, measures and data, the use of the four operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) and the ability to solve number problems in a variety of contexts. Children are taught how to use and apply this knowledge to develop a practical understanding.

Teaching is carefully planned to ensure coverage of the Maths National Curriculum and is delivered in a daily numeracy lesson incorporating an oral and mental starter, a main teaching activity and a plenary.


English at HGJS

Daily Literacy lessons are based around a broad and challenging range of stories, plays, poetries and non-fiction texts. As well as developing their creative literacy skills and broadening their vocabulary, the children are taught the key elements of written language.

Pupils are encouraged to read on a daily basis in order to help them learn and consolidate key skills whilst fostering a love of books. Our school library is well-stocked and available for pupils to use every day.


Computing Statement

Pupils develop their skills using a variety of hardware and software to research, solve problems and present information. ICT is used to support their use of language and communication, and their learning in other curriculum areas.



Science stimulates pupils’ curiosity and encourages the exploration of the world about them. Pupils develop their understanding of key scientific ideas and begin to refine the practical skills needed to investigate questions safely using the skills of predicting, asking questions, making inferences, concluding and evaluating based on observation of phenomena and events in the world around them.

Through science, pupils begin to understand how major scientific ideas contribute to technological change which impacts on industry, business and medicine and can improve the quality of life

Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education


PSHE (Personal, Social, and Health Education) includes issues such as healthy lifestyles, growing up, personal relationships, sex education and drug awareness. The emphasis is on making children feel comfortable to contribute freely and raise questions. Children learn how to make informed choices and are encouraged to take an active role both in our school and the wider community.

Sex Education is an integral part of PSHE, although parents have the right to withdraw children from topics related to sex education that are not contained within the science National Curriculum. Parents wishing to exercise this right are invited to discuss their concerns with the PSHE coordinator or Headteacher.



The teaching of history combines the acquisition of knowledge with the development of investigative skills so that pupils use a range of historical data, sources and artefacts to better understand the past. Relevant visits, both to historical sites and from specialist groups, help to develop the pupils’ understanding of historical themes.



Music provides opportunities for pupils to explore their personal creative potential. Pupils investigate sound combinations to create exciting and imaginative compositions. All children are given the opportunity to perform in front of an audience both in class and to the whole school.

Pupils are exposed to a wide range of established musical styles and visits are arranged from professional musicians. We also enjoy strong links with the High Wycombe Music Centre whose expertise contributes to music making and enables the school to bring greater variety.



The teaching of geography develops an awareness of living within the locality, environment, country and world and includes the teaching of geographical skills and knowledge. Relevant visits ranging from day trips to residential experiences are included, where possible, to develop pupils’ awareness and to broaden their horizons.


Art website

Art allows pupils to develop their creativity and visual communication. They learn to use a variety of techniques, tools and materials. Pupils are encouraged to evaluate their own work and identify ways in which it can be developed or improved.

Through studying the work of artists and crafts-people from different eras and cultures their appreciation of art and culture is enriched. Displays of pupils’ work promote the self-esteem of each pupil and help make the school a stimulating and attractive environment in which to work.

Design and technology

Design Technology

In design and technology, pupils are taught to investigate, design, make and evaluate a wide range of products. They learn to accurately measure, mark, cut, join and combine a variety of materials, working safely and recognising hazards to themselves and others.

The ‘design and make’ assignments are presented in a problem-solving way, thus enabling pupils to extend their studies and refine their products according to their abilities.

Physical education

Physical Education

Pupils learn new skills across a range of physical activities that may include dance, gymnastics, games, swimming, athletics and outdoor adventurous activities. Through PE, they appreciate the rules and conventions of taking part in different activities safely and why activity is important to their health and wellbeing.

In addition, pupils are given the opportunity to develop their skills in game situations and to take part in team events.

Religious education

Religious Education

Through RE lessons, pupils are taught about both Christianity and other world faiths to improve understanding and tolerance. All RE teaching is in line with guidance contained in the Buckinghamshire Agreed Syllabus.

Wherever possible, speakers are invited to talk to children and visits are made to local religious centres. Whilst we hope that all pupils will benefit from our RE programme, parents can withdraw their children from all or part of this provision, including the daily act of worship. In such cases alternative teaching arrangements will be made within the same year group.

Modern foreign languages

Modern & Foreign Languages

The teaching of modern foreign languages enables pupils to learn a new language and to develop cultural awareness. In French lessons, they learn a wide vocabulary and the correct pronunciation through songs and practical activities.

Complaints procedure

Should any parent have a complaint regarding the delivery of the curriculum they should, in the first instance, discuss the matter with the Head teacher. If the issue is still unresolved, the matter should then be referred to the Chair of Governors and ultimately to the Area Education Manager.

A more detailed complaints policy can be found on the policies page.

Further Curriculum Information

If you would like further information regarding the National Curriculum Government guidance, please click on the following links;